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    Estimated Arrival: Between Feb 10 and Feb 12. *ETA to USA Only

    Trapwords is a fun and fast-paced party game for two teams, who simultaneously prepare their lists of trapwords. The simple task of giving clues for your word is made fiendishly difficult by not knowing which words you can't say. If you succeed, you advance to higher levels with more trapwords and additional challenges. Includes a set of regular words as well as a set with a fantasy theme.  

    Players: 4 - 8+
    Time: 30 - 45 minutes (less time with modifications)
    Age: 8+


    Dustin recommends Trapwords for an ESL classroom or for content-specific terminology review because it involves all players in the game and learning process at all times. It is an excellent game that includes different ways to think about words, reinforces listening comprehension, and implements peer-to-peer teaching! 


    Listen to Dustin chat about Trapwords on the Board Gaming with Education Podcast!



    Read an excerpt from the Board Gaming with Education blog post about using Trapwords in class:

    This game is a blast! Outside of the classroom, it is a lot of fun to play with friends or family. However, in the classroom, it is a great game because the mechanics of the game naturally transfer over to established learning frameworks and classroom management paradigms.

    Learning Framework: 
    This game is great because everyone is involved during the game. For example, if your content area is history and you are currently teaching the Civil War. The red team could draw the term “The Union.” This is the term that the blue team will have to guess. So, the red team will have to consider this term first by thinking of words the blue team may use to describe “The Union,” so they may write “north,” “Lincoln,” and “slaves.” The blue team will be doing the same thing for another term.

    Classroom Management: It is a great game for classroom management because as the other team is guessing the word, the team that is not guessing will have certain responsibilities to track like the timer, listening to guesses, and counting the number of guesses. The game even suggests, if the team misses a trap word, and does not call the other team out, then they “sneak past” the trap! This is great for making sure everyone on the team is listening to the other team guess. Read the full post here.


    Dustin, from Board Gaming with Education, shares his thoughts about why Trapwords makes for an excellent ESL game! Actually, it is his favorite!