Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team League

Kill Team League
In April we'll be starting our Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team League! On Sundays, you’ll be building, painting, and finally battling in an all-in-one introduction to the smaller side of Warhammer 40k. This league makes for a perfect introduction to Warhammer, both the hobby and gaming sides, and ends with models you made yourself to be proud of and play with, both in Kill Team and the larger 40k universe.
Sign up online or in the store.
Includes ($200+ value and prizes):
- Warhammer 40k miniatures for use in Kill Team (up to $60)
- Citadel paint to get your models Battle Ready ($25.50)
- A set of beginner paint brushes ($11.99)
- Access to the store’s collection of tools for assembling and painting miniatures, including plastic glue, sprue cutters, hobby knives, paints, palettes, and more! Additionally, you can come in to our Wednesday paint nights for the duration of the league without paying for the paint night fee. ($75+)
- Learn-to-play night hosted by our staff ($20)
- Participate in our Kill Team Tournament and potential to win the Kill Team grand prize ($15 + prize pool based on number of players)
League Entrance Fee: $129.99*
Dates: Sundays (Starting - April 28th!)
*If you already purchased miniatures for Kill Team or brushes from BGE's Tabletop, feel free to reach out to us about potential price reductions or store credit. Proof of purchase form BGE's Tabletop in the past 90 days required.
Sign up online or in the store.
What is Kill Team?
From Games Workshop Website:
"Mass battles between scores of units and thundering war machines are great, but there’s always been an undeniable appeal to skirmishes – those moment-to-moment struggles where victory rests on the efforts of a mere handful of troops and their individual heroics – when every warrior is a distinct character with their own story.
"...every warrior is a distinct character with their own story."
Here’s Dave Sanders, who heads up the Kill Team rules project, on what you can expect from the game:
Dave: Kill Team is a standalone skirmish game set in the world of Warhammer 40,000. The game’s focus is on covert operations – players hand-pick their kill teams of die-hard special operatives to get a specific job done, whether that be reconnaissance, sabotage or assassination. The games are fast-paced with a rapid back-and-forth between players (and can include up to four players). There’s something in it for everyone: there are narrative missions and a campaign format for those who love telling their own stories, countless new challenges for hardcore gamers in the matched play rules, and for people new to the hobby, it’s a great place to start – the game has a low model count, and with the fantastic generator tables you can get a really thematic kill team up and running very quickly.
The result is a high-octane skirmish battler where you’ll command a handful of elite troops in action-packed squad combat."
Each member of the league will receive a box of troops from their faction of choice to build a Kill Team (contact Elizabeth if you’d like help deciding)! Members will build, paint, and play with their models over the course of five weeks, ending in a tournament. If you can’t make a week, please try to stay up with the league in your own time or at the store if possible, to ensure we all are able to play with complete models at the end. As a league member, you will be granted access to our space and our building and painting supplies (pending our store schedule and space restrictions).
Week 1 (4/28) Modeling - Starting at 5:30
Members will assemble their Kill Team. Sprue clippers, hobby knives, and plastic glue will all be provided by the store for the league.
Week 2 (5/5) Painting - Starting at 5:30
Members will begin painting their Kill Team. Spray primer, palettes, and extra paints and brushes will be available at the store, and league entrance includes 3 pots of Citadel paint for your own use.
If players are caught up on their painting, there will be terrain available to continue to practice your painting on. This terrain will also be featured in our Kill Team tutorials and tournament!
Week 3 - (5/12) - NO LEAGUE - We will be celebrating our 2-year anniversary as a store and do something else special for our Warhammer Community!
Week 4 (5/19) Painting - Starting at 5:30
Same as week 2! In the unlikely event everyone finishes their painting by Week 2, some players can start learning how to play Kill Team.
If players are caught up on their painting, there will be terrain available to continue to practice your painting on. This terrain will also be featured in our Kill Team tutorials and tournament!
Week 5 (5/26) Learn to Play - Starting at 5:30
Our staff will teach you to play Kill Team, and you’ll be able to get some practice games in to prepare for next week’s tournament. Tables to play Kill Team, complete with playmats and terrain, will be available at the store, as well as dice and measuring tapes.
Week 6 (6/2) Tournament - Starting at 5:30
We’ll host a friendly Kill Team tournament! Prizes are dependent on the amount of players.
Sign up online or in the store.