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The Hacker's Handbook

The Hacker's Handbook

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    Tuesday Knight Games
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    Estimated Arrival: Between Feb 10 and Feb 12. *ETA to USA Only

    *Hacking* in MOTHERSHIP® can be a lucrative, if dangerous, skill for any crewmember to acquire. It can open doors, control gun turrets and expose sensitive information.

    Most *Hacking* checks are simple: an electronic airlock is locked and the Hacker makes an Intellect (*Hacking*) check and if they succeed the door is opened. Easy. 

    However, if your scenario requires a more robust challenge, say hacking into corporate research station’s primary database, you may want to design a **NETWORK**.

    The Mothership Hacker's Handbook includes all the tools you need to create robust hacking challenges in Mothership or any other cyberpunk or sci-fi game. It includes:

      • A brand new loadout for character creation: The Exploitation Loadout.
      • Intuitive and simple rules and guidelines for building Networks for your players to hack. 
      • A Response table for when your players fail their hack.
      • A new system for "User Accounts" that allow everyone (not just Hackers) to get in on the action.
      • A new equipment section with tons of tools, decks, gear, and single-use software to aid in your intrusion attempts.

    This supplement is suitable for characters of any level.


    2 page black and white pamphlet module.
    Written by Sean McCoy, Luke Gearing, and Kevin Whitlock
    Layout by Sean McCoy