Estimated Arrival: Between Feb 14 and Feb 16. *ETA to USA Only
The long-awaited successor to Cover Your Assets has arrived! This wild and hilarious new version has all the frenzied stealing and stacking that has made Cover Your Assets on of Amazon's top rated card games, plus it adds tons of new strategy and mayhem!
Your mission in this adventure is to gain Magic for your Kingdom. To achieve this you'll need to form Clans of Punderful creatures, like Uniquehorns, Peglegasus, Pigxies, or LepreCon Men, by forming them in pairs.
Special Creatures with powerful abilities add to the fun, letting you do things like swap Clans with a rival, move a Clan from the top to the bottom of a stack, or remove it from the game entirely!
With 50% more cards, and the ability to play with 2-8 players, Cover Your Kingdom is the perfect game for almost any party. Be warned though, it's HIGHLY competitive.
You might even say it's Magically Malicious!
Players: 2 - 8
Time: 20 - 30 minutes
Age: 9+
By royal decree, each of you are hereby proclaimed the Ruler of a Magical Kingdom of your very own!
Unfortunately, your Kingdoms are vacant and devoid of Magic, meaning they’re not actually magical at all…
Very conveniently, a multitude of magical Creatures are currently searching for a new Kingdom to call home!
Each Creature you persuade to join your Kingdom adds to your Kingdom’s Magic and it’s Ruler’s glory.
The Ruler with the most Magic once all the Creatures have found a home is crowned…
In Cover Your Kingdom, you and your rivals will each become Rulers of your own fantasy Kingdom. Regrettably, the Kingdoms are creatureless and vacant, and no creatures means no magic. To remedy this problem, you'll contend with the other rulers as you try to convince lengenderpy Creatures (such as Pigxies, Hentaurs, Uniquehorns, and Sighclops) to join your Kingdom.
You can add them to your Kingdom by forming clans of two matching creatures (or one paired with a Wild Creature), or by recruiting (ahem- stealing) Clans from other Ruler's Kingdoms. Each Creature is worth a certain amount of Magic. The Ruler with the most Magic in their Kingdom at the end of the game wins.
Kingdoms are divided in two different regions, the Mountains, and the Valley and most creatures will only live in one region or the other.
As Clans are acquired, they are stacked one atop the other offset by 90 degrees. Each Ruler's Kingdom mat indicates where each kind of Creature may be placed. Only the top Clan in each stack is vulnerable to being recruited by rival Rulers and each new clan you add is an added layer of defense to those beneath it (yes, Clans are layered, like ogres).
To attempt to recruit another Ruler's Clan, you may show a matching Creature, or a Wild Creature from your hand. Your rival may counter with a Creature of their own, to which you can respond again. This continues until one Ruler cannot, or chooses not to respond.
The winner takes (or keeps) the Clan adding ALL Creatures used to recruit or defend it. This increases the Clan's value (sometime's drastically) and its allure to other Rulers and if they have the opportunity the will try to swipe it for themselves.
Rulers take either 1-2 actions per turn, forming Clans, attempting to recruit Clans, adding Creatures to existing Clans, replacing unwanted Creatures by discarding and drawing. and employing the services of Free Creatures.
Free Creatures do not join Kingdoms, but instead perform an action. Things like forcing another ruler to swap a top Clan from their Kingdom with one of yours, or move a Clan from the top to the bottom of its stack, or remove a Clan from the game entirely.
The hook of the game lies in its ability to conceive a roller-coaster of emotions, with bursts of elation and despair occurring repeatedly for each player throughout the game. The actions you take, and the order in which you take them, on your turn can have a tremendous impact on your success or failure.
The end-game is also super intense, as the outcome of the entire game can often be decided in the last few turns, or even with the final card played. It'll keep you all on the edge of your thrones and also make it difficult to put away without "just one more round".
Cover Your Kingdom is as fun (and violent) as the people you play it with.