BGE's Tabletop Lorcana League Chapter 2 - Rise of the Floodborn (Round 1) - Sign up live on 11/11 at 12:00 PM
Disney Lorcana Second Chapter - Rise of the Floodborn League (Round 1)
Sign-up link will go live on Saturday, 11/11 at 12:00 PM PST
Welcome to our Lorcana League at BGE’s Tabletop!
We’re excited to announce the our league play for Rise of the Floodborn! Each round will consist of 4 weeks and our full league will be 12 weeks. Our league structure is very much centered around participating in the awesome new game of Lorcana, learning the game as a community together, and growing our in-store play community!
When is the Lorcana League?
The league will start Saturday, November 18th!
The league will run every Tuesday night from 5 pm to 8 pm and every Saturday night from 6 pm to 9 pm (the store normally closes at 7 pm on Tuesdays, but we will be staying open a little later for our Lorcana League going forward). When signing up for the league, you will choose your designated league night. This is the night you will be guaranteed a space to play. If you want to join on a different league night, you will need to RSVP for a space. There will be 15 league member spots designated to each night, and availability for an additional 4 - 6 spaces for non-league members to join in on the fun. These additional spaces are non-league member spots.
The first round of the league will end Tuesday, December 12th.
How do I enter?
You can sign up now by following this link! You can visit our store, or send us a message on our social media platforms or website. As soon as you sign up, you can receive your league tracking sheet by stopping in the store. You will receive your designated packs when they become available.
What are the awards/prizes?
We will be awarding packs and promos based on achievements! Check out our Questing Chart! All league players must register with the Melee player tracker program.
- When you complete tier 1 you earn 1 Lorcana Rise of the Floodborn Booster pack!
- When you complete tier 2 you earn 1 additional Lorcana Rise of the Floodborn Booster Pack!
- When you complete tier 3 you will earn 1 promo card (Minnie Mouse, Robin Hood, Bucky, or Cinderella). These are awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis, and based on availability.
- All players who complete tier 4 will be entered into a raffle to win a Winnie the Poo or a Repunzel Pin! These are awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis, and based on availability.
- All players who complete tier 5, will earn an additional entry for the raffle to win a pin! These are awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis, and based on availability.
Check out the Questing Chart for more details!

How do I earn the awards/prizes?
You can earn awards/prizes by completing different tiers on our Questing Chart! Here are different ways you can earn lore for your Questing Chart:
- Play a game fairly and with good sportsmanship - shake hands, say good luck, shake hands again, and say good game (1 lore)
- Win a game (1 additional lore)
- Come to our designated league nights (2 lore)
- Teach a new player how to play the game (2 lore)
- Bring a friend to our league night (2 lore)
- Dress up as a Disney character (3 lore)
- Wear any Disney merch (1 lore)
- Post about the league or our store on social media (1 lore)
- Any positive impact or nice gesture to help grow our community - determined by staff (1 - 3 lore)
- PARADIGM SHIFT: Have 2 characters with Shift in play
- EMBRACE THE FLOOD: Have 2 Floodborn Characters in play
- TREASURES UNTOLD: Play 2 items in one turn
- VILLAINOUS!: Have 3 Villains in play
- THE GREAT ILLUMINARY SNACK BAR: Have 3 cards with food in the image
- OUT PAST MIDNIGHT: Have 3 different Cinderellas in play
- FRIENDS UNTIL FOREVER: Have Winnie the Pooh and 2 of his friends in play
- NOW IT’S A PARTY: Have Snow White and 2 dwarves in play -- Bonus Point: Have 7 different dwarves in play
- A WARRIOR AND THEIR DRAGON: Have Raya and Sisu in play
- A GATHERING OF SORCERERS: Have Merlin and Madam Mim in play
- LABORING THROUGH THE DAY: Have Hercules, Pain, and Panic in play
- GET A CLUE: Have Basil, Hiram Flaversham, and Mrs. Judson in play
- IT’S (NOT REALLY) A JUNGLE OUT THERE: Have Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde in play
All league players must register with the Melee player tracker program to receive any prizing.
You can earn up to 14 lore per week.
Staff must sign off on your sheet to authenticate your lore.
You must reach each tier level to receive your prizes before the end of the first round for the league– the end of the night on Tuesday, December 13th.
What is the price? And what is included in the league?
You will receive one of three options (based on availability - the top two options are limited):
- Get 6 Lorcana Rise of the Floodborn Booster Packs for signing up!
- You may substitute Rise of the Floodborn Chapter Starter Deck for 3 packs and receive 3 Lorcana Rise of the Floodborn Booster Packs for signing up to receive a total of 1 starter deck and 3 packs.
- Or get $65 in store credit for signing up!
$83+ value for only $64.99!
Includes at least 4 weeks of play space fees ($20 value)
6 Lorcana First Chapter Booster Packs for signing up ($47.94 value) OR 1 Starter Deck ($24.99 value) and 3 Packs ($23.97 value)
2 Lorcana Rise of the Floodborn Booster Packs for Participating: everyone will at least 2 additional booster packs ($15.98 value). In store play requirements to receive the additional packs.
Additional promo cards, pins, and tracker: awarded based on our achievements or randomly awarded (see our Quest Chart)
- You may play in our store without paying the play space fee to record a match for the league. This includes our designated league nights or non-designated nights. Please be sure to check our store calendar for non-designated nights. You may only record two league matches per day on non-designated league nights.
- You may access additional product at lower prices. Every Lorcana product will be 10% off our listed price for league-members. You must be an "active" league member. This means you should be playing games in our store to receive the league member discount. "Active" standing is determined by at least one game played by 11/28.
What is the format for the first round?
For the first round of the league, the format for play will be very open. You can use any size deck and any number of inks in your deck for the first round of our league. This is to encourage players to learn the game. We suggest you pair up with other players who have similiar deck levels as yours. For example, if you come to the league with a competitive level deck, we suggest you either find someone else with a deck at about the same level as yours, or you bring a backup deck to play with players who have starter decks.
Next Round?
When we move into the next round of the league, we may make some changes to the Questing Chart, format of play, and potentially other changes. Round 1 League Members will have first access to sign-ups for Round 2 and Round 3.